
Our Eyecare Services 

We provide a wide range of professional ophthalmic services to meet your needs. We promise to provide every service with a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction. 

All the Eye Care you need,
in one place.

We offer a wide range of services to meet every type of need.
At Optique Vision we don't just provide eye examinations and contact lenses.  We are specialist opticians and are accredited to fit Eye Dream lenses to patients who do not wish to wear glasses or contact lenses. We are a glasses repair and sunglasses repair centre in Nottingham. Our technicians can reglaze glasses and repair all types of ray ban and other makes and brands of glasses. Our optician is trained in treating dry eye problems and also in prescribing coloured Meares Irlen - Visual Dyslexia tinted glasses.
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Eye Tests

An eye test is not just simply correcting your vision and providing you with a prescription. We allow 40 minutes for a consultation so our optometrist can carry out a very thorough eye test on your eyes using various instruments and techniques to check your eyes for eye disease and other health issues. At our opticians we take time in our eye examinations, as taking a detailed history and symptoms is vital for understanding your visual needs. The optometrist is then able to recommend the correct dispensing course of action to correct your refractive error. Whether it's your first prescription or a routine check-up, our comprehensive eye exams are designed to detect any vision problems or eye conditions early. Trust us for your eye care needs—book your eye test today!

Optical Coherence Tomography

Experience the latest in eye care technology with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) at Optique Vision. This non-invasive imaging test provides a detailed view of the retina, helping in the early detection and management of conditions such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and age-related macular degeneration. Our advanced OCT equipment ensures precise results, enhancing your eye health monitoring. Schedule your OCT scan with us for peace of mind about your eye health.

Contact Lenses

When it comes to feeling free from glasses, contact lenses can give you clear all round vision correction. If you lead an active lifestyle then you will prefer to wear contact lenses rather than glasses as this gives you a much more natural spatial field of view. Our contact lens optician will assess your eyes and will recommend to you the best contact lenses to suit your needs and prescription. We offer free contact lens trials* for all our patients when you sign up to our contact lenses scheme.

Meares Irlen - Visual Dyslexia Screening

Optique Vision offers specialized screening for Meares-Irlen Syndrome (Visual Dyslexia), for both children and adults, using tailored assessments to identify this visual perceptual disorder. Patients report that words appear to move, wobble or flicker. While others say that the page appears too bright or the words are too close together. Our expert optometrists provide personalized solutions and recommendations, including tinted lenses or filters, to alleviate symptoms like eye strain, headaches, and difficulties with reading. Discover how our visual dyslexia screening can improve comfort and performance in visual tasks.

Dry Eye Clinic

Do you suffer with sore, gritty, stinging red eyes everyday. More often or not the root cause of dry eye is usually blepharitis, an infection of the eyelid margin or meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). If you would like expert help on being able to deal with your problem, our optometrist is able to assess and recommend the correct course of action to overcome you dry eye symptoms.

EyeDream Vision Correction

EyeDream, a form of orthokeratology (also known as Ortho-k) corrects your vision while you sleep. Simply remove the custom contact lenses when you wake and enjoy a world of clear, natural vision throughout the day. EyeDream is non-invasive, safe, effective and has transformed the lives of thousands of people across the world.

Intense Regulated Pulsed Light Therapy (IRPL) for Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a pervasive issue that impacts countless individuals, leading to discomfort and impaired vision. While traditional treatments offer temporary relief, breakthroughs in technology have introduced Intense Regulated Pulsed Light Therapy (IRPL), a cutting-edge solution aimed at providing lasting comfort and improved eye health.

Lens Replacement Surgery

For those seeking a long-term solution to vision problems, lens replacement surgery offers a promising alternative to eyeglasses and contact lenses. This procedure not only corrects common visual impairments like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism but also addresses presbyopia and cataracts, enhancing visual clarity and quality of life.

YAG Laser Capsulotomy

YAG laser capsulotomy is a specialized procedure designed to treat posterior capsule opacification, a common condition that can occur after cataract surgery. This quick and effective treatment helps restore clear vision by addressing the cloudiness that sometimes develops on the back of the lens implant.

Ready for a new look? Schedule your personalized glasses consultation at Optique Vision now and step out in style!

Eyewear consultations

Discover the perfect pair of glasses with a personalized consultation at Optique Vision. Our expert opticians are here to guide you through our extensive selection of stylish and functional eyewear. Whether you need prescription glasses or are looking to update your look with the latest trends, our one-on-one consultations ensure you find the ideal fit and style for your unique needs. Enjoy a professional fitting experience where comfort meets fashion, and leave confident in your choice. Book your glasses consultation today and see the world with clarity and style!

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